Holding ApS
Gnivil Holding ApS er et familieejet investeringsselskab. Virksomheden blev etableret i 1999 (omdannet til Gnivil Holding ApS i 2006). Selskabet har gennem hele perioden været drevet af dets grundlægger Peter Midtgaard.
Gennem aktive investeringer i små, mellemstore og større virksomheder er der gennem årene blevet opbygget både en lille formue samt en interessant portefølje af investeringer. Der har både været tale om opstart, scale up og turn arrounds. Fælles for dem er at der i overvejende grad har været tale om familieejet virksomheder, hvor Peter Midtgaard er gået ind og har tage en meget aktiv rolle, enten i den daglige ledelse eller i bestyrelsen.
Der bliver fortsat ledt efter og foretaget investeringer i spændende virksomheder, ligesomPeter Midtgaard fortsat går ind i bestyrelsen for interessante virksomheder.”
Organic Textile Design
The Organic Company ApS
In The Organic Company, we work with organic cotton as it matters!
We make this through design as we believe in the-less-but-better-way-of-living. Honesty, transparency and an ambitious wish to make a difference is a rock solid foundation for the company, founded by entrepreneur Joy Vasiljev in 2007.
Jawaii Consult ApS
Der er et specielt pres på ledere af familieejede virksomheder, især hvis de selv er en del af familien.Der er ingen, der ønsker at være den ene i familien, der fejler i familievirksomheden. Særligt i 2. generation og fremad ser dette ud til at være en stor udfordring.
Blandt disse ledere ses ofte et bemærkelsesværdigt højt niveau af stress, der kan føre til udbrændthed og endda nedbrydning.
Lifestyle Coaching
Nina Midtgaard ApS
Join us on a journey of radical fun and personal transformation. It’s an exploratory adventure into the depths of who you are at this moment in time, who you want to become, and how you want to live your life in your second fifty.
We spend a lot of time preparing financially for life beyond retirement, but none for our health, vitality and quality of life.
Music Trading Platform
Soundtracktor ApS
Soundtracktor is a danish musictech company, that improves an excisting marketplace worth $ 1,25 billion.
The marketplace is centered around matching brands with music.Most music producers today are lacking visibility and network in the market while having a huge back-catalogue of high quality music.
Trading Platform
Ourtradehub ApS
We develop and offer a digital solution for Brands and Retailers who
want to grow their business via reduction of market friction.
Withus you will be able to eliminate out of stock and increase product
range risk free as a retailer and sell more products as a brand.
OurTradeHubs omni-channel vision is to become the platform that breaks down barriers among brand-owners and retailers.
Freelance Consulting
Flextribe ApS
Flextribe is a digital platform that works to match top freelance IT
specialists (10% talents) with large corporate organization’s needs.
The vision is to be the number one platform to recruit, manage and share top freelance consultants in one place. Longer term vision: To create the largest and most relevant service platform (pension, insurance, bank, etc.) for the future flexible workforce in Northern Europe (10% op best).
Startup Investments
Kring Speedbooting 16 ApS
We have our own investment fund that supports our Speedbooting innovation process and enables us to execute fast and focused with co-founders and strategic partners.
Through the building of many new ventures and digital companies, we have hadopted and adjusted methodologies of entrepreneurship, innovation and co-creation to systematically build new impact ventures together with co-founders and corporates – and help them succeed, grow and create impact.
Startup Investments
Kring Speedbooting 19 ApS
We have our own investment fund that supports our Speedbooting innovation process and enables us to execute fast and focused with co-founders and strategic partners.
Through the building of many new ventures and digital companies, we have hadopted and adjusted methodologies of entrepreneurship, innovation and co-creation to systematically build new impact ventures together with co-founders and corporates – and help them succeed, grow and create impact.
Meet the board
Peter Midtgaard
Cand.merc., Executive Coach
CEO / Owner
Andreas Midtgaard
Cand Merc (fir)
Boardmember, CFO
Good Monday ApS
Thomas Midtgaard
Cand Merc (fir)
Boardmember, CEO & CO-Founder,
The Many A/S
Jonas Midtgaard
Cand Merc (fir)
Boardmember, CEO & CO-Founder,
Our Tradehub ApS
Nina Midtgaard
Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Science
Boardmember, CEO
Jawaii Consulting ApS
Uffe B. Johansen
Cand. Merc. (OR)
Boardmember, Professionelt bestyrelsesmedlem
Kratkrogen 6, 2920 Charlottenlund CVR 27967906 Tel +45 25264682